THE ‘CITI’- Czech-Israeli Tech Initiative
19. listopadu 2018 dorazil do Prahy izraelský profesor Simon Litsyn, který stál u zrodu a vývoje USB. Světově uznávaný expert na oblasti elektroniky a počítačových věd má na svém kontě přes 60 registrovaných patentů. Sám je zakladatelem jednoho z nejúspěšnějších izraelských start-upů v oblasti baterií, firmy StoreDot. Dlouhodobě se věnuje lektorské a mentorské činnosti. Prahu navštíví u příležitosti Česko-izraelského workshopu o inovacích a podnikání.
„Education for Innovation” is the title of Professor Simon Litsyn’s introductory lecture, which will officially launch a weekly workshop organized by CTU and STAR Research & Innovation Cluster. The event is held under the auspices of and supported by the Embassy of the State of Israel in Prague.
Nine top Israeli lecturers headed by prof. Litsyn will train thirty representatives from CTU and research centers from the STAR region – ELI Beamlines, HiLASE and BIOCEV – all week. The professional program is coordinated by experienced Israeli mentor and innovator Oren Simanian.
„Israel is a role model in many areas for the Czech Republic. The Israelis themselves regard their desire for knowledge, their courage to take risks, assertiveness, and community settings as their prerequisites for success, ” says Věslav Michalik, Chairman of the STAR Board. “In addition, a quality education system plays a crucial role. Israeli universities and research institutes are among the top in both technical education and the transfer of applied research into practice.“
The uniqueness of the workshop lies in its format. All lecturers come with practical experience with founding and developing companies, eventually. operates in international companies. “Our goal is to prepare concrete examples of successful practice for the participants, to gradually integrate thematically oriented interactive blocks into the planning and start-up of virtual business activities,” adds Michal Michal.
The project also builds on last year’s event, which launched the Czech-Israeli Innovation Initiative. It should come up with concrete cases of Czech-Israeli cooperation between research and commercial institutions in the future.
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